Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Power of a Made up Mind

It is truly awesome, the power of the human mind; especially when it is determined to do something. If we take a journey through our life, let’s look at the evolution of what has happened during our short existence. We have seen the rise and fall of the auto industry, the deft deception of big companies to embezzle billions of dollars from the unsuspecting public, this new thing called the internet, and kids having cell phones at 7 or 8 years of age. We are truly debating whether or not we are going to elect an African American man, or a woman as President of the United States, either way it will be a first. Be honest, did you ever think this would happen during our lifetime?

All of that was said to say that times change and you need to be aware of it. I have seen the rise and fall of the Real Estate Market right in front of my eyes. I saw it coming, and created a plan of attack to put me in a position to profit and make money when others were still stuck in the game we had been playing. In one week Countrywide, Citibank, and Washington Mutual all raised their hands and said we need help. What are we going to do? We need help from someone. Anyone? That is pretty sad I must say so myself. I do not consider myself a genius by any standard, but I could see that things could not stay the way they were. You had individuals working at McDonald's one day, and the next day they had the authority to consult someone on the most valuable commodity most individuals ever own. And the powers to be really thought this was the way to go. And there would not be rampant abuse in this industry. I think not, they knew, but they were oblivious to what the ordinary individual was doing. Why, you might ask? Greed. And more greed. In this business everyone makes money. So, why stop the juggernaut when it is on a roll.

My mind was made up about 4-5 years ago. To position myself in an arena that will give me more control, have less competition and be the “Big Man” on campus. As you can see, this has not been an overnight rags to riches story. It has been a plan that has taken time to blossom, and I am so excited about what I see so far. ThePowertobeFree.com has assembled the right team to dominate the real estate market. Trust me, someone's going to make a ton of money over the next 3-5 years. Why not you? What plans have you implemented to at least improve your chances of success? Have you truly made up your mind that you are tired of the results you are getting? Well, what if you can join a group that can assist you in obtaining the freedom that you and I deserve? To be in control of your time. The true dictator of your fortune; not some large company that looks at you as just #451407, and that you are expendable.

Take control of your life! You are worth it! Join in ThePowertobeFree.com: a group that will give you what you deserve… Freedom. Our group is growing monthly. Come be a part of it.

I'm so excited to be blessed with the vision of what we are on the edge of achieving. At one time it was not common to have a cell phone. It was even rarer to have a computer in your home. But now almost anyone, child or adult have both. Someone had to visualize it before it became a reality; well the vision I had has started to come to fruition. We have big things in store for you. We are not looking for you to merely exist. We want you to live the life you always dreamed of. It can and will happen for you! There's always a “but” in there somewhere. The thing you must remember, success is a journey taken one step at a time. Consider today, your first day at college. You are a freshman. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Open to almost anything. You are not yet jaded from the successes or failures that most have endured. What would you have done differently if you had known then, what you know today? There's probably a lot of, “I would of’s” or “I coulda’s”. Well this is your chance to make it all better. Join ThePowerToBeFree.com and start the journey you have been waiting to take. But never had the right vehicle to get you there; it is here, in its purest form.

Join Today. ThePowerToBeFree.com will soon be a household name. Join while it's in its infancy. Over the next 12-24 months, we have a lot to accomplish and we want you to be a part of it. How different would your life be if you were to be an owner of a Marriot Hotel? Or a Convention Center in Florida or the Cayman Islands? Better yet, what about being a part of building homes in Africa, and having a waiting list of individuals to buy your home before it is even built. ThePowerToBeFree.com will not limit its growth to just the US, we are going global.

There is a whole world out there…and we are here to set it free.

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