Ready, Set ,Go
I know that you are wondering how ready, set, go has anything to do with you. Well I have been an athlete pretty much all my life and I have participated in many sports and they are all based on you being prepared for that certain moment when either the whistle blows for you to start, the buzzer sounds for you to start and end play. Well that is how we should be looking at our lives, our whistle now is the alarm clock and when it is sound that most dread from day to day. Then it gets worse if you work in certain environments you have whistles and buzzers that are sounding all the time to tell you when you can start working, or when you can take a break and even when it’s time to go home. It’s funny when you think about it, in your case you dread that whistle, alarm clock or buzzer going off, what if an elite athlete had the same mindset, his chance of being successful would be very limited.
As an athlete I looked forward to the whistle blowing and to start the game, or entity I am involved in. Why not live your life like an athlete, he or she has prepared for the event and is very excited about the outcome that will come only after the whistle blows to get everything started. There have not been to many cases where the athlete was late to the starting line or whatever the event is, not being ready for the tipoff to start. Can you say the same when you buzzer goes off in the morning and the game begins are you prepared or better yet are you excited about what’s going to happen over the next 24 hours, in most cases you dread it, you can’t wait until the whistle blows to end the day before it even gets started. Seriously folks, is that anyway to live you life, and remember it’s your life and you can live it anyway you want, if you desire to be happy and live life full of excitement and adventure, you have the ability to be in the small percentage of individuals that live life on there own terms. Or you can be like the majority that lets life dictate to them when they have to get up, when they can go to sleep and even when they can vacation.
The only one really in control of your actions and reactions are you, not the job you are currently in or even the situation you are in currently, smarter people than us have had to make this same decision, I want freedom, and I am willing to pay the price to get it, will it be easy, don’t kid your self, but is it worth it. If you go back to the title, to become an elite athlete that earns millions of dollars, adored by many if you ask them is it easy, they will probably tell you the same thing it is not easy, but it is worth it. What would it be like if you could dictate your terms, your rules of engagement, well you can if you are willing to make a few changes in your life, first you must believe in yourself and understand that whatever it is that you desire, you can obtain it. After you get in the right frame of mind you must put together a plan of action that you feel will get you to your goals the fastest and most efficiently. The final and most important part of your transformation in most cases are your associations, it is difficult at first because you are still a little resistant to change, but when you really sit down and think about it all you need to is create the right relationships, the right associations and let the ones that are not adding value go. There is an old saying find someone that has what you desire, find out what they did to achieve it and you truly have a roadmap to your success. Sam Walton once said, there’s really, nothing new under the sun, so why reinvent the wheel, someone, somewhere probably has already done what it is that you want to do, so find them and see what it is they have done and duplicate it. Remember tomorrow the whistle will blow in the morning ready or not, why not be ready with a plan of action that will make this day the best day you can make it.
Your next chance to change will be
January 19, 2008
Walsh College Troy
3838 Livernois
Troy MI 48007
9:00-12:30 PM
For Information on RSVP
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